Founders Equity Calculator

Fixed Equity

Dynamic Equity

Dynamic Equity Table

Total Tokens: 0 TKNs

Visualize contributions with dynamic charts

Pie Chart

Effortlessly log time and financial investments

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Comprehensive cap table with detailed contributions

Cap Table

Fairly manage team membership through proposal tracking



For Startups

Many start-ups falter due to equity disputes. Splitting a company equally between co-founders can lead to issues when not all co-founders contribute equally. As teammembers come and go on a project, cap tables can become bloated by teammembers who are no longer contributing. Dynamic equity splits are a great way to fairly track everyone's contributions once equity divisions are assigned at a later date. However, the process of recording everyone's contributions can be challenging. TeamTokens provides a simple, easy to use mobile application that allows for teammembers to quickly add and view equity distributions.


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